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Brown Spot Removal For A Flawless You

Brown spots, freckles, and birthmarks that appear in the most noticeable parts of our body can be a cause of distress as it can be embarrassing to have. These spots can be inevitable due to aging, stress, and heredity, but one can get easily get rid of them through brown spot removal in Fresno.

Using lasers

In order to remove unwanted spots, several laser and light systems are used by Dr. Kathleen Behr, including the RevLite Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, the elos Aurora IPL system, and the Iridex 532 laser. Each of these lasers provides treatment to specific targets in the skin.

What can be removed?

The different lasers provide different purposes. The Iridex laser is used to get rid of raised scaly brown spots or what are also called seborrheic keratoses. Meanwhile, the Medlite laser is used to eliminate flat age spots, brown spots, freckles, and even birthmarks. On the other hand, the elos IPL system eradicates freckles, age spots, and spots that are caused by sunlight. Although each laser offers specific results, a combination of different lasers can be used to achieve the best outcomes. These laser treatments are also usually performed with sunscreen or a cream for skin lightening.

The treatment

The whole procedure involves a couple of treatment sessions, depending on the extent of the patient’s lesions and his or her response to the procedure. There are lesions that can easily be removed in one session, while others may not be as compliant and need a series of treatment.

To evaluate your skin better, Dr. Kathleen Behr would be willing to assist you should you undergo the treatment. The procedure will enable your lesions to get darker and crust in about five to seven days so an antibiotic ointment will be prescribed to address this problem. For more information, contact Dr. Behr and our league of certified nurses at 559-435-SKIN (7546) today.


Start Your Journey Today!

Not sure what to schedule? We can help guide you in the right direction. Visit our Fresno, CA location and experience the Behr difference only at Behr Laser & Skin Care Center. Get started by filling out the form below or giving us a call at (559) 435-7546 today!