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A Little Sense And Sensibility Can Save Your Skin

Woman wearing a straw hat and red lipstick

Skin cancer is a hot topic at this time of year. Many of us are preparing for the long, hot summer by making plans to be at the beach, lake, pool, or other outdoor venue as much as possible. This means a nice golden tan, and that means cellular damage. We expect that you realize that even your morning commute puts you in harm’s way since UV rays quickly penetrate through the glass of your windshield. What we don’t expect is for every person to know what it takes to save their skin – and their health.

Skin cancer is concerning in and of itself, but melanoma is a type of cancer that no one wants. The mere fact that a tiny growth on the skin could ultimately take a life is frightening. Rather than avoid the issue, we encourage patients to tackle their risks head-on. With a little sense and sensibility, it becomes much more likely that early detection and treatment of melanoma can occur.

Start In Our Office

There are plenty of websites that discuss the home exam, but this may not be enough. Skin savvy begins with a thorough evaluation of every part of the body. Your experience Fresno dermatologist, Dr. Behr, can show you how to check your skin, your scalp, and even your fingers and toes, and what to look for. Sure, you can view images online; but that isn’t your skin. Sometimes, we can get so used to our moles and freckles that we may overlook nuances that indicate an abnormality.

The ABC’s Are Just The Beginning

The general guideline for performing skin cancer self-exams is to observe existing growths for:

  • Asymmetry
  • Border
  • Color
  • Diameter
  • Evolution

These are just the basics. What if you have a small, brown mole, but it is growing up from the surface at a fast rate? What if you have a flat, red mole that is itching? These are the small intricacies that could cause you to question the normalcy of any given growth.

Don’t question what your skin is telling you. Schedule your skin cancer screening with us. We will help you build the groundwork for a skin-saving regimen tailored to your needs.


Start Your Journey Today!

Not sure what to schedule? We can help guide you in the right direction. Visit our Fresno, CA location and experience the Behr difference only at Behr Laser & Skin Care Center. Get started by filling out the form below or giving us a call at (559) 435-7546 today!