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Triton Laser Hair Reduction

If you're interested in laser hair reduction, look no further than the Triton system. Schedule your appointment in Fresno, CA today.

While shaving, waxing, and electrolysis serve as obvious hair removal solutions, razor burn, and other side effects are not at all pleasant to deal with. Irritation from traditional shaving methods can often discourage us from getting rid of hair as well. However, having unwanted hair can at the same time cause insecurity. The good news is that getting the clean, hairless look you want can be achieved without significant side effects. At Behr Laser & Skin Care Center, we’re dedicated to facilitating your beauty needs. Our InMode Triton Laser Hair Reduction is made to offer fast results and long-lasting smoothness.


What Is Triton Laser Hair Reduction?

Triton Hair Removal is a laser hair removal device that is said to be safe, effective, and quick: 

  • Safety: Triton is safe for all skin types, including darker skin tones. 
  • Effectiveness: Triton can reduce hair growth by 70-80% after just three treatments. It can treat a variety of hair types, including fine, coarse, light, and dark hair. 
  • Speed: Triton treatments are quick and can treat large areas like the legs or back in about 15 minutes. 
  • Comfort: Triton’s contact cooling technology makes treatments tolerable, and patients may only experience a slight sunburn-like feeling for a few days. 
  • Permanence: Triton is a permanent hair removal solution. 
  • Multiple wavelengths: Triton is the only FDA-cleared device that can simultaneously fire multiple wavelengths. Triton Duo Light uses 755 nm Alexandrite and 810 nm Diode laser wavelengths, while Triton Duo Dark is designed for dark skin.
Woman with her arms up

What Areas Can I Get Triton Laser Hair Removal?

Triton is safe and effective for any part of the body. That’s right, head-to-toe Triton delivers powerful results that will have you looking and feeling your best! Common treatment areas include:

  • Bikini area
  • Arm Pits
  • Legs
  • Face
  • Back

What Results Can I Expect? 

Triton hair removal treatments are quick. Even large areas such as the back or legs can be treated in about 15 minutes. The effectiveness of Triton’s contact cooling makes the treatments very tolerable. A slight sunburn-like feel will be noticeable for several days, but there is no downtime. Traditional laser hair removal often requires six to 10 treatments to see results whereas we see 70-80% clearance in most of our patients after three to four treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Triton Laser Hair Reduction in Fresno, CA

If you want to put razors in the past, Triton is the treatment for you! Getting the smooth, hairless skin you want doesn’t have to be a struggle. At Behr Laser & Skin Care Center, we proudly provide effective hair removal treatments to the wonderful people of Fresno, CA. If you are interested, schedule your appointment today by filling out the form below or calling (559) 435-7546.


Start Your Journey Today!

Not sure what to schedule? We can help guide you in the right direction. Visit our Fresno, CA location and experience the Behr difference only at Behr Laser & Skin Care Center. Get started by filling out the form below or giving us a call at (559) 435-7546 today!