The appearance of stubborn fat is always discouraging. Once fat deposits in certain areas of our bodies, it often becomes difficult to remove, even with diet and exercise. If your body appears to have taken on an excess amount of fat, there is help available. Tumescent Liposuction is an excellent fat removal technique available here at our Fresno center. Our team at Behr Laser & Skin Care Center is ready to help you reach your beauty goals, offering support every step of the way. Get in touch with our center to schedule an appointment today.
REQUEST APPOINTMENTWhat Is Tumescent Liposuction?
The Tumescent Liposuction technique infuses a combination of high volumes saline with local anesthesia into the targeted fatty area. During this process, Dr. Behr inserts an instrument called a cannula through a small incision. The cannula is connected to a vacuum device. Dr. Behr gently moves the cannula around, under the skin; suctioning the unwanted fatty deposits away. The Tumescent technique delivers amazing results and is considered one of the most effective fat reduction surgeries.

What Does Tumescent Liposuction Address?
If you’re looking for liposuction without surgery, this procedure can meet you halfway. A Tumescent Liposuction is minimally invasive and primarily designed to remove sections of stubborn fat from the body. In women, the most common areas treated using this technique are the hips, thighs, knees, lower leg, buttocks, stomach, and chin. In men, the most frequent areas treated are the “love handles,” abdomen, neckline, and breasts. While this process is not meant to treat cellulite, it can help reduce its appearance via the fat removal procedure.
How Does This Process Work?
During the Tumescent Liposuction, Dr. Behr will make a small incision near the treatment area. She will then insert the cannula into the area and move it under the skin. The tube will suction the unwanted fatty deposits away while high-volume saline and local anesthesia are infused into the area. Dr. Behr has performed several hundred liposuction procedures since 1994. She has also taught the procedure to several physicians. This treatment can take several hours but is always performed with the highest care and precision.
What Results Can I Expect?
Following your procedure, drainage of the tumescent fluid mixed with blood for the first 24 hours can be expected. You will be bandaged when you leave the office to absorb this drainage. You should take it easy for the first 24 hours, after which you may gradually increase activity as tolerated. After 24 hours you can remove the bulky bandage and shower. You will have to wear a snug girdle, elastic dressing, or body stocking over the region that was treated for 5-10 days. This will aid in the healing process.
Tumescent Liposuction in Fresno, CA
If you have excess amounts of stubborn fat, opting in for a liposuction procedure may help. Dr. Behr has close to 30 years of experience in performing this procedure. To learn more about this treatment, fill out the form below or give our Fresno center a call at (559) 435-7546 today.